Lessons from the 8th house
You will deal with a fair share betrayal, shame, hurt, and vulnerability – these are the predominant themes of your life so the quicker you learn to be ruthlessly honest about how you feel – the easier life will get. Stop waiting for things to get extreme to take action. People will be jealous. that is a fact.even if you don’t see it – or understand why
Scorpio energy is deeply magnetic people will hang around with you, study you and try to imitate you – they’ll want who you love, what you have, how you are, your resilience, how you survive. You have an inherent power of rising from the ashes – many people can’t do this. All you can do is let it go. You love control scorpio, but its about controlling yourself not others.
Do not go around recommending people, the 8th house is the house of extreme changes and putting a good word in for someone will come back to bite you in the ass – due to the sudden fluctuations that are out of your control. if you can avoid it please do. (example: I recommend a guy for an internship at my old job – then he broke up with his girlfriend flew back to his homeland and never showed up again. made me look a fool. never received an apology. forever embarrassed)
Scorpio rules the colon, the part of the body where the poop is. Literally. So its most likely the part of your body that is over charged and the first part of your body to act up when you hold on to things that are bad for you. purging is a most in every single type of way. Papaya, flaxseeds, bananas, fiber – never over load your digestive system.
Do not be so quick to open your wallet. You are not in debt to anything or anyone for simply existing. You can often be too generous with your resources (specially with moon or Venus in the 8th house) and then you will be mad inside no one does the same for you. You don’t have to buy anyone’s love and no one should try to buy yours. Manipulation is a Scorpio ruled theme – and shared finances are often people’s method of choice to make or break you.
Its likely that there is a vindictive side to you (Scorpio rules revenge) – so don’t play yourself. When someone has hurt you, humiliate you and taken advantage of your vulnerability its best to cut all ties. You will try to forgive and forget but that usually does not work. the hurt will linger for longer. you will put up walls. keep your distance internally and have people believing they are still close to you when they’re not and this is unfair to both of you. You don’t like the superficial and people deserve truth as much as they deserve to face the consequences of their actions. if they lost you they lost you. that is it.
Don’t forget – you can always, always, always start a new. do not be afraid to let things die – including old version of yourself. Pull an Elsa, let it go.