Relationships & Karma

The most important thing is this life is to pay our karma.

Essentially we are all here to pay back karma... it is why we reincarnate to begin with.

After you've come to understand your own karmas and reasons for your own reincarnation (the birth chart)

The next step is to learn to choose your key players to help you get there…

And this where true occultism comes in, this is when you start making decisions based on the knowing of who and what is either adding or taking in your life.

You can love somebody deeply but at the end of the day we all have karma to pay. Once you become entwined with someone whether in business, friendship, romantic relationship, an exchange takes place and the person can start paying off karma through you (and you through that person)

Sometimes, we are unhappy in relationships not because our partners have done anything wrong, but because we hate the person we have to become in order to help that person fulfill their soul contract.

This is why the longer we stay in a relationship, the harder it becomes to reach back to our old self. When we leave, we feel lost.

Then if we enter a new relationship quickly after another one... its hard because we were an identity with one person and we learn to love/live with that identity but now a new person's karma demands we become somebody else.

You can be the shyest person in the world, but if you meet a partner whose chart says their lover is popular - something inside of you immediately switches to start becoming this person. (This works vice versa too).

You can be somebody that is crazy about home, you become friends with someone whose chart says all their friends move away, well then guess what will happen...

You can be a business owner that struggles to have your employees to get a long. You bring in someone with venus in virgo / venus in the 6th house into the environment and the work place gets better - Simply, because that person's karma says they get pleasant work environments.

We are all human - we feel, we grief, we love.

W cannot make decisions solely based on Astrological compatibility but at some point you have to weigh the scales and see if you want to continue.

You can have the most gorgeous planetary alignment in your 10th house of career and success... You meet someone whose energy is blocking that, you will have to work 50 times harder to get to your destiny.

Sometimes, karmic contracts cannot be fulfilled in one life time so they have to come again. That's the past life connection / feeling we get when we meet someone whom our souls recognize.

Sometimes just a couple months or years is enough for us to learn what we have to learn. But, every 7 years, the infamous "7 year itch" gives us a chance to re-new soul contracts. If we are meant to keep going with one person we do, if we don't we usually break apart.

Synastry is the branch of Astrology that helps us understand why two people are together, what makes the relationship good or bad, if there will be prosperity or longevity at all..

Synastry is one of the many life hacks that we can use to get ahead quicker in life...

It doesn't only help us understand the people in our life , it also makes it easier to forgive them for being who they are.


So I came to a realization


Virgo Energy