Tomorrow February 4th, Jupiter the planet of growth turns direct in Gemini! People with predominant planets in Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Virgo it is time to pick up where you left off! If all is correct, before October 2024 when the Jupiter retrograde started you had really big plans for that Gemini house in your chart. Whether you wanted to make changes on your own or with someone else (Gemini rules collaborations) it does not matter. Jupiter is forceful and difficult to ignore. 

For a very long time, Jupiter has been trying to get us to expand in the Gemini house of our chart but this has proven to be a very difficult task.
Why? Jupiter does not like being in Gemini, to begin with. Jupiter is a master, a know it all… In Gemini the sign of multiples they are just one too many things to know. Then add to it that for most of the time it has been in Gemini, it has been squared by Saturn in Pisces. 

The good thing is that now Jupiter is free from Saturn square & they are not going to meet again. So these next 5 months before Jupiter’s ingress into Cancer, it’s our chance to pedal to the medal and get things done. With Jupiter in Gemini do not strive for perfection. It doesn’t have to be perfect it just has to be created first. We can perfect it later down the road because right now we are just making multiple baskets for our eggs. When the basket is finished we go back and make sure it's secure so our eggs don’t fall. 

Not to toot my own horn but by now we all know that I’m a terrific Astrologer. People ask me all the time to teach them to do Astrology like me and though I try there is something that I have that very few do and that is the privilege of time. I spent most of my time alone and because I am always alone I have the time to observe. Observe my own life & sometimes yours. Because I have time I can track the movements of the planets and see how they play out in my life and the life of those that are close to me. Then I come up out of my solitude like a bear out of hibernation and share what I have observed. I am great at Astrology because, for the last 5 years of my life, I have been fully immersed in it. 

So let me tell you my Jupiter in Gemini story that you can use as a template to write your own:

I am a Virgo which means my Jupiter in Gemini story started with me wanting to expand fully into an e-commerce business. Well, this was already ongoing since 2023 but when Jupiter entered Gemini in my 10th house of career I knew it was time to try something new. & Jupiter being the forceful planet that it is had my business crash so I had to do it. My previous business was great but it was also limiting in a lot of ways. I was tied to just one payment method that continuously hindered my ability to make more income as clients with different cards couldn’t get through. The payment gateway I was on also did not offer recurring payments so my dream of making steady income from my website also was slim. WordPress is not very designer friendly as it is primarily for writers so I was also limited in the aesthetics of my website. 

So I started the new website with the help of kind souls but I’m still forced to learn a new system of working, new payment methods had to be created & even now I am still learning my way around Squarespace. But that was not enough! Remember we are talking about JUPITER and Jupiter wants more and more. As sales went down after the crash and so did my spirit I had to think and think.

Social media is not helping me reach an audience. Pro Palestine posts shadowbanned my account. Elon done screw Twitter over. OH LORD!
I’m scraping to get by! Oh Jupiter what more do you want from me? *insert here the crying spongebob meme*. The Square coming from Saturn in the 7th house meant fewer clients (Saturn in the 7th limits your contact with the world but it makes you set good boundaries that you profit from eventually). So here I am wanting to do all these new things but having little income does not necessarily help the situation. So I hold on to a little old method I know works to make $$$ (go back to doing readings). Setting new sites up is great but everything costs MONEYZ. 

Until something nudged me. It is a Jupiter in the 10th house transit! The problem to solve here is visibility. So what do I do? I created an ETSY store to put Stari on but again, this is a lot of work and I need to continue making money. So I cannot be working on that the whole day.

Jupiter wants more! I create an other online business with my wife (more on that later)! But more! More! Okay, let’s see how we can get Stari on Amazon as well (Working on that). If Jupiter is transiting Gemini in my chart it has to deposit its growth to Mercury as Mercury rules Gemini. In my birth chart, Mercury is in Libra. Libra is the sign of business. So you see how simple the interpretation becomes.

Now, Stari is on a new platform but I still have more products to create. I have to set up Etsy, set up Amazon, & set up Legado with my wife.
I need to fight to get a bigger audience. I am trying to create AI videos for TikTok and Youtube. I have my hands full but remember that when Jupiter enters Cancer it is time to PROFIT from everything you did in the Gemini area of your chart. This is because Cancer in Astrology is the pocket money of Gemini. In life you can look at it like this: If you study and gain a skill that you can put to use (Gemini) you can afford to have stability, make money, have food, etc. (Cancer).  That’s why your parents keep sending you to school!

We are all collective energy so I know everyone has been doing the work somewhere. It may not make sense now. We may all be doing too much and still feel like we are not doing enough but we are. We are all over the place with newness which is exactly what Jupiter in Gemini was about. You are doing the best you can to survive in severely unpredictable times. You are trying your best with the tools you’ve been given. I am proud of you. 

Way back last year I created Jupiter in Gemini predictions for ALL the signs. I coupled them by modality as that was easier than doing them all one by one and the houses are all in relationship to each other.  With just 5 more months to go with Jupiter in Gemini, I have now set these recordings to $15 (prior they were $35) so you can use the audio to empower you these next 5 months. Shout out to wifey who told me to do this! I need to practice listening to her more.

You can get it here:


After June Saturn the planet of struggles gets weak and Jupiter gets strong! May the God of abundance make it rain on ALL of us.




So I came to a realization