We are nearing the month of March which is an absolute powerhouse astrologically with eclipses on March 14th and March 29th.
It also means we are making our way to the 6th month mark since the first eclipse in the Pisces/Virgo axis. The first eclipse happened on September 17th, 2024. If you had a birthday around that date prepare yourself because the second big change is around the corner. Years of your life where there is an eclipse near your birthday are usually years that end up changing the course of your life. Big moves take place and life-altering decisions are made.
As I have mentioned previously, I do not romanticize eclipses. While change is great and exciting, it is also difficult to deal with the lack of control we have over eclipses. We know when an eclipse will hit, we know where it is happening in our chart but the how is always between us and our karmas. 

The sun entered Pisces yesterday which means it is already co-present with the North node of destiny. In the mix, we also have Neptune, Saturn, and Mercury; when it turns retrograde we will also have Venus. This is A LOT of energy in one sign. & I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the theme of the sign of Pisces is not necessarily a walk in the park. Pisces deals with liberation, yes. But before we are liberated we must be made aware of what is holding us captive. The truth can set us free, but often it has to hurt us first. An upper hand of having all this energy in the sign of things we forget is that for once in this lifetime (we won’t have this alignment again in decades) we can at least face a truth we often deny ourselves. A truth that because of mundane matters (opposition to Virgo) is often buried at the bottom line of our never-ending to-do list.

I am a Pisces rising and the first eclipse landed near my birthday as I was born on September 14th. It was right in my first house and I had a breakdown surrounding my physical self. The next eclipse is landing right on my Virgo sun in the 7th house, and I can tell you I am not looking forward to dealing with that. But as usual, I will observe what happens to me - wrap up the lesson - and then gift it to you.

The first and the seventh house in Astrology are the axis of incarnation and death. This is not always literal but the seventh house as much as the second and the eighth can also kill you. The second kills you because it deals with what we put into our mouths. It is also what comes out of it. If you pour venom into the body or spit venom out of it what do you think happens eventually? The eight house kills because it deals with disease and tragedies. But the seventh? The seventh deals with other people.
ALL other people and not just those we are in a relationship with.
The seventh house can kill you and this is not to sound morbid, but the reality is that people kill people.

Think about being on the wrong side of the corner store when a drive-by shooting happens and the bullet hits someone it wasn’t meant for. We are always at the mercy of each other. Our lives are as beautiful as they are fragile. So yes, the seventh kills you. Sometimes it kills you quickly, sometimes someone can be killing you slowly for years. This can also be metaphorical.

You enter a relationship with someone who is a drug addict and slowly but surely the sober person you used to be gets killed. On a more positive note, if you used to be reckless and meet someone who has it together, the recklessness can leave and be replaced by togetherness as the other person brings that into your life. The first, fourth, seventh, and tenth houses are directional in Astrology. They are profoundly powerful as the signs on these four houses guide the direction of our lives. These houses are also always at odds with each other because they are meant to shape us into who we are meant to be. You cannot give all of you to all these houses simultaneously. Sometimes you need more of you, sometimes your family needs you, sometimes your career is blooming and sometimes your relationship is but it is humanely and astrologically impossible to exalt in all these areas at once. 

The North node is in Pisces and the South node is in Virgo. The North node enhances while the South node decreases. The North node pulls you in and the South node lets you go. The question is what are you gaining in the Piscean area of your chart? What are you surrendering in the Virgo part of it?

I have realized that for most of my life, I have been in a servitude position when it comes to other people (Virgo 7th house). If there is a party and there is a need to clean up after it’s done guess who will stay and do it? If people come to my house and everyone is hungry guess who will get up to go to the kitchen and cook? If you need to go to a place I know in my heart I don’t want to be at but you don’t want to go alone - guess who is gonna go with you? Yup. It's me. Boo boo, the fool. And while everyone figures out their life, for some reason I always end up as the martyr. The one that must give something up. Very often it’s my time, my wisdom, my physical labor, and more. These eclipses have made me realize exactly where things are not balanced between my first and my seventh house. For the time being (eclipses work in an 18-month cycle), I am being pushed to let go of being this way. If you need me - PAY ME, ADD A BONUS AND TAX.

Let everyone figure out their lives on their own. No more being miss build-somebody-up. No more advising people to not do things at the wrong time. Just go, just go do you. I want to and need to tend to my own garden.

And the truth is, we’re all feeling this way somewhere. Leo risings no longer want to serve their family members fixing their lives with their resources and skills. Sagittarius risings are letting go of servicing their authority figures, Aries risings are letting go of being work alcoholics, and so on.

Now everyone is in shambles because Pisces and Virgo are THEE most important axis of the zodiac. The answer as to why is simple: both of the signs deal with necessity. Think about the pandemic and how everyone could chill and be home EXCEPT the essential workers. Do you know the chaos that this world would have been if the doctors and the cleaners were home at the time humanity was dealing with a mega-viral virus? In Pisces and Virgo, we often do the most and gain the least. It is where we are taken for granted, and exploited if we are not careful.

These eclipses are about stopping with putting in the effort and watching the ship sink. Stop going overboard for people all of the time. They had a life before you and they will also have a life after you. There was a time when you did not exist, but the matters in the Virgo area of your chart did. Let them go back to that and see how they like it. If you are valued and loved enough over there they will be willing to deal with what it now costs to keep you. When the eclipses are over and the lessons are learned everything gets rekindled. If it doesn’t it ends. You cannot worry because something new always starts after an ending anyway. The universe is perfect and so are we.

May we all be delivered from the Mother Theresa of Calcut spirit wherever it is we’re embodying it. I am starting my focus group of customers simply because I want to only give my knowledge to people who value me enough to at the very least answer a simple survey so I can better my business. I will no longer allow multitudes of people to consume and harvest my energy, my knowledge, and my bubbly soul for free. 
